Is there anything i can do to get him used to men? My neighbor…

Is there anything i can do to get him used to men? My neighbor put his hand down for him to snif,he snarled and barked! I love this dog,have had him 3 days! He will let me do anything! Please help!

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evelyn zier
evelyn zier
9 years ago

Paul,tk u for advice! I aprec. It! Evelyn

Rein N PadgettHege
Rein N PadgettHege
9 years ago

It takes time for a new dog to get used to his new people and surroundings. They all do it at their own pace. I strongly urge you to consult a behavioral trainer so that you introduce him and socialize him the best way possible especially since he’s an older dog that can easily have a lot of baggage. Meanwhile, just love him, give him time to trust you. As your relationship grows and he sees you as his leader, protector and family he will be more likely to trust others and situations that he is placed in with you.… Read more »