I just adopted an 8 year old cat about 2 weeks ago, he seemed to…

I just adopted an 8 year old cat about 2 weeks ago, he seemed to be doing well at first and he seemed very comfortable. I moved the temporary litter box that i had for him in my room near the litter box that my other cat uses. He knew where i put it as he had followed me down there and sniffed both. However, this morning i woke up to find that he pooped in the cat bed that i had in my room. As i left for work i decided i would bring the litter box up to prevent any further accidents. As soon as i sat it down he used it. Im not sure i understand where the disconnect is since he knew where i put it to begin with. I cant keep this litter box in my room forever, so im wondering if anyone has any ideas for transitioning the litter box to the normal space

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6 years ago

Better to have boxes on both floors anyway. 🙂

Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

Hello, I think the disconnect is in teaching him to go in your room then assuming he would understand he wasn’t supposed to. I recommend not confusing your pet by starting with one direction (ex here is a litter box for you but it will be in a different place tomorrow) and then being upset he is confused. Why can’t you keep it in your room? If he is your cat and stays with you it will probably be the best way to insure he is going where you want him to (in the box). If you refuse to have… Read more »

Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

I’m sorry if you thought the answer was condescending. It wasn’t intended to be. It was intended to be my perception of what your new cat might be thinking and why he might be confused with the litter box moving and your expectation of his response and confusion. If it upset you I apologize. It wasn’t my intention.