I adopted a beautiful cat with a stunning personality, she is loving and relaxed. She…

I adopted a beautiful cat with a stunning personality, she is loving and relaxed. She is 1 year 7 months old and they have been struggling to get her adopted. We brought her home And she was immediately so happy, eating and playing. We have two chihuahuas, one is a very timid, nervous baby but so so sweet. When we opened our bedroom door, she ran out to say hello and the cat just pounced on her, making deep scratch marks and only letting go when my husband yelled “NO!” In a panic. I am feeling such guilt at bringing a new pet into the house, that hurt my baby. I absolutely adore the new cat, but my heart is broken for my baby girl. She is now absolutely terrified of any sound, we are keeping them separated and the cat is happy as can be, but I am feeling so nervous about how to resolve this issue. Giving the cat back is just not an option for us, we already fell in love with her. What can we do in this situation?

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Suanne Villarreal
Suanne Villarreal
6 years ago

Hi! We actually have separated them, the meeting was accidental (our chihuahua ran out of the room once the door was opened). Currently we are keeping them in separate rooms and switching them every so often so they can get used to each other’s scent. She was adopted from a cat shelter so no experience with dogs thus far…

6 years ago

Did you do any sort of shutdown when you brought the cat home? By that, I mean keep her in a room to herself for a couple of weeks, to give her time to acclimate to the household, then allow her to meet your chi in a very closely supervised situation. Furthermore, had she been tested with dogs?

6 years ago

That may very well have been due to shock. I would reevaluate in a couple of weeks.