Symptoms are swollen bottom of eye, weepy eyes, squinting and keeping them closed. Since the…

Symptoms are swollen bottom of eye, weepy eyes, squinting and keeping them closed. Since the second dose we noticed about a week into treatment that she opens her eyes about half way every so often. Still squinting and weeping a little bit. Swelling has gone down a lot, but still there. She is also on a daily dose of lysine and has been using it for about a week. After her medication time is over will her eyes continue to improve? Could the swelling just be her eyes irritated from the constant drops?

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Anna Marie Brady
Anna Marie Brady
9 years ago

The vet thought it was an occurance of feline herpes from the stress of the adoption. Our cat had some issues before adoption such as abandonment and broken ribs. But if by Monday we don’t notice any difference we are gonna see the vet again oand see about goimg to a feline ophthemologist if they don’t have any other ideas as to why her eyes won’t clear up.