I just adopted a Maltese and he keep coughing at night like a hacking sound…

I just adopted a Maltese and he keep coughing at night like a hacking sound and wanting to know what we can do to help him till we can get him to a vet next Friday?

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Casee Brewer
Casee Brewer
9 years ago

We haven’t took him to a vet because I don’t have a day off till Friday. He is 10 to 12 years old.

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
9 years ago

How old is this dog? If he is an older adult I would suspect an enlarged heart.  During the day dogs with this condition are up and round and don’t cough, but when they settle down at night to sleep they feel the pressure of the heart pressing on their lungs and they start coughing.  While this condition can not be cured, your pooch can live years symptom free with the proper care.