We adopted a 15 month old Akita mix recently. In the past couple of…

We adopted a 15 month old Akita mix recently. In the past couple of days we’ve noticed a “Hairy water balloon” on the back of her neck. We took her to the vet and the doctor said it was a Seroma nd drained it. It has since returned days later and now he wants to install a drain. I am not comfortable with that I feel that it should be able to go away on its own, after reading an article that agreed with my thought. He is eating, playing and it is not hot to the touch, just squishy. We want to do the right thing but don’t want any unnecessary stress or infection.

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Erin Aungst
Erin Aungst
7 years ago

The only picture I added was of the back of the neck, you cannot see her nose. We aren’t sure why it happened. We thought possibly it is where her chip is placed. I attached a photo of her face.

Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

Can you please confirm that the photo of the crusted nose is your dog? This looks like an older dogs nose?
As far as the fluid filled mass goes is it on the top of the body, like top of the neck? If so why would it have occurred?
Of the mass is the chin area, especially bottom neck, I would ask about a mucocele or sialocele.