How will i know when my adult cats are ready to be unsupervised? I recently…

How will i know when my adult cats are ready to be unsupervised? I recently adopted an 8 year old male who was previously bonded with another female (they adopted her and i couldnt let him stay in the shelter alone), and i already had a 6 year old female. Louie seems pretty easy going about the whole thing but Mia still seems skiddish. They only hiss every once and awhile and its usually started by her, im doing all i can to keep him in his own quarters but its very obvious he wants the freedom. It has been 5 days since i adopted him and i am allowing him to roam under supervision. How will i know when its okay to let him out permanently?
I just had to share pictures of my cute babies, 1st is Fat Louie(weighing in at a hefty 22lbs) and 2nd is my beautiful Mia.

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Cheyenne M
Cheyenne M
7 years ago

I’ve had this happen with lots of cats before, we always took in strays. Cats are a bit different then dogs so honestly the two will work it out. They’ll either learn to get along or just avoid each other on their own. You could leave them unsupervised anytime and it’ll be fine.