I have two dogs, who are use to living in a home with a fenced…

I have two dogs, who are use to living in a home with a fenced in back yard. I just started a new job, which requires me to travel sometimes and I had to move into an apartment. I’m afraid of them not adjusting very well to living in an apartment where I just can’t let them outside to roam the backyard freely. Also, I had roommates who would let them out when I was gone to work.

As far as boarding for when I travel, I have decided to just bite the bullet and travel the 2 hours back home and let them stay at theVet office. They are use to the people there and I’ve let them stay there for a few hours sometimes during check ups. I trust them more than having to search for a new vet nearby the new city.

I’ve been away from them for 2 months now because this promotion and everything happened so fast. I know my roommates have not kept up with the routines that I do when caring for them. So I have that worry as well. My dachshundlab mix was difficult to train on leash and I still have a few problems with her pulling and slipping out of harnesses and collars (advice on that is more than welcomed). I’ve been lucky a few times with her coming back to me, after a few hours of trying.

I am horrified that this could all go wrong. They are my family and I do not want to lose them nor have to rehome them.

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Tracey W.
Tracey W.
8 years ago

I think you misunderstood me. I never said they were my roommates responsibility. I had set routines that I followed like a bible. But I do know that while I was absent, my roommates did not follow the routines, which I have to get the dogs use to doing again. I left them in their care so that I can find a home for the three of us to live and because of the circumstances of the position, get adjusted to my new work environment. I never said I didn’t want to make the effort. Thats why I ask for… Read more »

Tracey W.
Tracey W.
8 years ago

Thank you, I had crate trained them in the beginning. But they seemed to be more comfortable after our early morning walks, to just curl up together in my bed and stay in my room. I started putting up a baby gate in the door and they seem to be just fine with that. They will still go into the crates, but only when it’s time for bed. I will try that Martingales collar. I’ve just been taking them on walks one at a time because the lab, Sylvia, at first required me to pay careful attention to her. While… Read more »

Tracey W.
Tracey W.
8 years ago

I didn’t think it would be a good idea to have them in and out of hotels while my bosses figured out whether or not they wanted to give me the position permenantly. I thought keeping them in an environment they were use to and with people, my roommates, they felt safe with was the better idea. I spent the latter part of that time finding a home for the three of us to live. I did travel back and forth home to spend as much time as I could with them. But I did what I thought was right… Read more »

Tracey W.
Tracey W.
8 years ago

The gifts are a idea! Yeah I’ve spoken to the neighbors above and across from me apologizing. Though they all looked at me weird at first, they were pretty nice about it. They have been back with me for 2 days now and they seem to be adjusting better than I thought. especially since most of the furniture and things around them are from our house. So they are surrounded by scents they recognize and I think thats helping them. The only issue we are having is that one of my dogs is on high alert with every noise that… Read more »

Tracey W.
Tracey W.
8 years ago

The gifts are a great idea! Yeah I’ve spoken to the neighbors above and across from me apologizing. Though they all looked at me weird at first, they were pretty nice about it. They have been back with me for 2 days now and they seem to be adjusting better than I thought. especially since most of the furniture and things around them are from our house. So they are surrounded by scents they recognize and I think thats helping them. The only issue we are having is that one of my dogs is on high alert with every noise… Read more »

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

In a dog’s world, it is more important to be with the person they love and trust to care for them than it is to have a back yard to roam.  You need to get your dogs into your apartment with you and establish a daily routine for them.  Up super early and take a long (1 hour) walk so they are ready to nap the day away. If you can afford to leave your dogs with a vet for extended periods, you can afford doggie daycare, or a dog walker.  Look for a day care close to where you… Read more »

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

I know you didn’t say that. However, this delay of 2 months in finding a way to get your dogs into a routine of living with you smacks of expecting someone else to be responsible for their well being. You know a 2 hour drive back and forth is getting old, wasting time you could be spending with your dogs in their new home. As for boarding dogs at a vet – you are exposing them to all sorts of diseases. Yes, I am sure the people at your vet do the best they can, but in all likelihood a… Read more »

8 years ago

i wish you luck.

my suggestions are fairly basic: crate train.  start working on leaving them in the crates longer and longer each day.  work on mental stuff (training for new things) prior to leaving, so they’re tired, and leave them with a stuffed Kong.  

i would also go back to square one with the mix you mentioned, and i would invest in a corrective collar and the training to learn how to use it properly.  (corrective collars, in this case, would be Martingales and pinch collars – no full chokers.)

8 years ago

If you get back to a normal routine, the dogs will settle in easier. There WILL be an adjustment period, and I think, in your shoes, I’d send every neighbor immediately adjacent to your apartment a note letting them know what’s going on and apologizing in advance. I’d also consider making/giving apology gifts. Even if it’s a token thing, it can make people more amenable to tolerance. Because this is a new home for them, you have an opportunity to set the rules upon their first day in the new space. Crates back up and used daily will give them… Read more »

8 years ago

i’m glad ti seems to be working out. i’m sure they’re much happier with you!