I need advice on puppy with parvovirus .. im at witts end. please someone help…

I need advice on puppy with parvovirus .. im at witts end. please someone help. I need advice badly

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brittany phillips
brittany phillips
8 years ago

6my local vet wants 250$ deposit not including treatment my parents won’t pay this which leaves me to figure it out on my own

brittany phillips
brittany phillips
8 years ago

I don’t know anything about veterinary medicine so I won’t pretend to . But I gave the titan the best care I could around the clock care every hour on the hour with fluids and medicine to combat the symptoms . He fought it very hard for 4 days but I guess I just didn’t do enough .. I do blame myself because I couldn’t get him the vet care . I hate that he passed in any kind of pain but I did make sure he didn’t go alone I held him rocked him sung to him . I… Read more »

8 years ago

have you taken this puppy to the vet?  that’s the best way to ensure your puppy gets the care it needs.