Any advice for traveling in a car with cats. We have 2 cats and they…

Any advice for traveling in a car with cats. We have 2 cats and they are about 9 months old. we enjoying camping. They will go into the crate on their own and we buckle them in. They have their own blanket and toy. Our vet is about an hour drive normally they meow for a bit then quickly calm down. For this first time camping trip the 2.5 hour drive going up they were ok after meowing a bit. Arrived place so it took them a bit to get used to it. I went outside for a few minutes after an hour of being there, my husband was inside with them and both cried at the door till I came back. That night (several hours after we arrived) one of them was panting. I assume due to anxiety but that shortly passed. I took them in another room and stayed with them. The next day both of us went outside for short periods of time and they were completely fine and they were fine the day after. At home they are independent except at night they will sleep with me. The trip home both meowed but one continued for a full 2 hours. Do you think a larger crate for travel? Put both of them in 1 crate together? I am going to try and do short trips around the block and reward with treats when we get back. I prefer to have them with us when camping versus getting a sitter. These are short trips mostly 2-3 days in total with a 2.5 hour drive each way. Any other suggestions?

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6 years ago

If they’re a close, bonded pair, traveling together in a larger carrier may help.

Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

My advice is to use a large carrier full of shredded newspaper. Avoid feeding a meal about 3 hours before leaving. Place towels over and around the carrier to block out noise and light. If the vomit or defwcate pull over. Close all the doors and roll up the newspaper to throw away. Then add more shredded paper. Never leave a door or window open with the cage open so no one can escape.