My cat alice is a year old i think shes pregnant…. shes been more lovey…

My cat alice is a year old i think shes pregnant…. shes been more lovey dovey recently and has been kneading me at night her belly is gettin alot bigger than usual and her nipples are showing better. Today when she stood up from laying on mu bed it was a little damp… idk what is going on with her

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Cheyenne Elliott
Cheyenne Elliott
6 years ago

She just sat on my arm and it got wet…. she then started cleaning herself down there…. what is going on?!

Cheyenne Elliott
Cheyenne Elliott
6 years ago

My brother controls homself. He doesnt listen. Im not going to keep her locked up and left out because of it. Not to mention i dont let her outside she sneaks out. Hasnt gotten the chance since. If she is pregnant
I plan on keepin all the baby’s

Cheyenne Elliott
Cheyenne Elliott
6 years ago

Shes been vaccinated im iffy on spaying her my 3 year old brother plays with her and wont understand that shes in pain. I will see how long my waiting list is that the vet

6 years ago

Get her spayed as soon as possible. Better to keep her locked up for 14 days than to risk her life every time she gets in heat! She depends on you to care for this and ti is your responsibility to superviye your brother when he plays with her. We have a cat at the shelter that gave borth to 4 kittens – it was a planned pregnancy. Shew was extremly protecting of her babies and attacked ther previous owners daughter. The owner herself said that she didn’t supervise everything the daughter did – so it is possible that one… Read more »

6 years ago

To answer your question: we don’t know what’s going on. You need to take your cat to the vet and get her spayed ASAP. They will tell you what’s going on.

6 years ago

You control the interactions between her and your brother, NOT the baby. Keep them separated until she’s fully healed. Spay her NOW – the world has entirely too many unwanted kittens in it already. Tell the vet it’s an emergency. And please, keep her inside.

Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

And what happens when all the babies start having babies? In one year you will have 6 cats. In two years you could have 20. From here it could be close to a hundred a year. The average cost for a cats care in the first year is about $300 to $500. It is time to start thinking about your pets andyour responsibilities as a pet parent. And ask your parents for help in getting her spayed and vaccinated immediately.

Krista Magnifico
6 years ago

Please see your get for helping to get your cat diagnosed and prepared for whateveright be at hand. It is also imperative hat she be vaccinated and spayed ASAP. .