My almost 7 year old Puggle Minnie has started throwing up after she has food…

My almost 7 year old Puggle Minnie has started throwing up after she has food or a snack. She has been on the same food all her life and the same snacks too. This throwing up just started on Sunday of this week (July 23rd). She also recently started hiding under the bed in the mornings because she doesn’t want to go out. I have an appointment with her vet on Friday but I am worried and wondered if anyone had any suggestions or thoughts. Thank you!

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Carrie Deitz
Carrie Deitz
7 years ago

Thank you, I will.

Carrie Deitz
Carrie Deitz
7 years ago

Thank you. No diarrhea. My husband just told me that she did eat her food late last night with no issues. We aren’t giving her snacks since that seems to be the trigger. We have an appointment with the vet tomorrow. I appreciate you responding!

7 years ago

Is it possible this is a bad bag? Definitely talk with the vet about this.

7 years ago

After the vet, I was going to encourage an elimination diet to figure out the trigger. Stick to high quality treats from now on. 🙂 Good luck!

Jennifer Taylor
7 years ago

Is the vomiting accompanied by diarrhea? Is she drinking? Is she able to keep any food down? Although it is late in the day I would call my vet to get their thoughts. Best wishes for Minnie!