i am having a very hard time put my dogs medice in his ears he…

i am having a very hard time put my dogs medice in his ears he fights me i try to be very easy and talk to him and tell him that i will not hurt him but it is a battle

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Lisa Pfab
Lisa Pfab
8 years ago

you can do passive restraint by holding his snout, and give him a great reward when done. Dogs ears are hard to clean, and need to be done until the problem is resolved.

Kasia R
Kasia R
8 years ago

Hi! I have the same problems when putting drops for an ear infection in the ears. Always a battle..but now, I wait till he is relaxed and sleeping beside me..I use a thin syringe (without the needle of course) and I do it when he is sleeping..so much easier..the bottle they give the drops in, doesn’t go deep enough into the ear that is why I use a thin syringe.