I am interested in making/baking my own dog treats. What ingredients are the best…

I am interested in making/baking my own dog treats. What ingredients are the best and are there some that are best to avoid? I have 3 dogs: 8 yr old Border Collie mix, 12 yr old Jack Russell, a 2 yr old German Shorthaired Lab mix.

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Kelly Furgason
Kelly Furgason
10 years ago

Making your own treats is easy and fun! There are lots of recipes online and treat recipe books you can use too. Almost any human recipe can be modified for pets. For dogs and cats omit the sugar. They do not need it and will never know it’s missing. You can use regular flour or omit it if your pet has an allergy. You can use oat flour, rice flour, buckwheat flour, quick cook or regular oats. Grated carrot, applesauce, peanut or nut butters, eggs are also common ingredients Steer clear of salt, garlic, onions, chocolate Pinterest also has lots… Read more »

andrea Lee Roundfield
andrea Lee Roundfield
10 years ago
Kaz Kallin
Kaz Kallin
10 years ago

I make my own treats all the time since I have one dog that is on a vegetarian diet.  Peanut butter is a good ingredient, so are blueberries and bananas.  We use oat flour in all the treats we make and substitute maple syrup for sugar. 


That’s the recipe we used as a starter and have experimented since then.