Hi there. I am wondering if you might be able to help me. I have…

Hi there. I am wondering if you might be able to help me. I have a shih poo who is nearly a year old. I inherited her so know nothing about the breeder my mother bought her from. From the time she was a baby she has been eating her own poop. I understand this is common in puppies however as I mentioned she is nearly a year old and I am very confused and concerned about why she is still doing this and how to stop it. Even when she has food in her bowl she will choose to do this. When I take her out to potty I have to be ready to quickly pull her away from any poop because she will try to rush to eat it before I can stop her. Why is she still doing this??? Why is she so actively determined to do it??? What can I do to stop this behavior??? Although her check ups are always positive I am really concerned about her and her health! Please please please help me if you can! I will be forever grateful for any help at all! ?

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Brittany Martinat
Brittany Martinat
8 years ago

HI, I stopped my dog from doing this  when she was a pup, simply by training her to “go” in the same spot every time and then my grandpa took over. My dog is huge. A Great Dane who used to take my 6foot tall 225 pound uncle for a walk. Anyways my grandfather walks with a cane and taught him not to eat poop and to walk nicely on the leash at the SAME TIME by simply walking him around near the pop and away from the poop. When he walked by the poop without noticing it and walked… Read more »

Brittany Martinat
Brittany Martinat
8 years ago

Oh and in case I didn’t mention, two or three day of being rapped on the nose, a dogs nose is very sensitive, he quit mis behaving and never ate poop or pulled on the leash again. May sound harsh but it worked.

debra yuhasz
debra yuhasz
8 years ago

Yes, it’s iffy, but inexpensive and worth a try. BTW, that was a good article.

debra yuhasz
debra yuhasz
8 years ago

There is some stuff you can sprinkle on her food that stops them from doing it. It’s available in large pet stores and feed stores. At least then she won’t eat her own. It’s a discusting habit but will not do her any harm.

8 years ago

some dogs will always eat poop.  it’s just a thing some folks have to contend with.  i think, in your case, i’d keep her on leash until she poops, clean it immediately (and with the leash, you can pull her away from it), and then let her off lead to run around and play.

i came across this article, and i think it may be of use to you as it offers a training suggestion.

8 years ago

it’s iffy on whether that works, though.

8 years ago

This is a quick way to causing your dog to become very reactive to hands anywhere near the dog’s face. Why advocate hitting when there is always a better option?