Anyone have thoughts, suggestions and/or recipes for homemade dog food that provides complete nutrition for …

Anyone have thoughts, suggestions and/or recipes for homemade dog food that provides complete nutrition for large breed dogs, specifically lab mixes. I am interested in exploring what feeding homemade food would look like from both an ingredient and time commitment perspective. Thank you in advance.

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7 months ago

I would say get your vet involved, and/or a veterinary dietician if there’s one near you. There’s a lot more leeway with dogs than with cats, but I’d be very careful about making sure they get the right balance of nutrition without overdosing them on anything. Oh, avoid legumes. There’s a link between heavy legume inclusion and dilated cardiomyopathy, which is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Lots of folks go with a raw diet. This seems to be somewhat controversial in vet circles (Dr. Magnifico will weigh in on this when she sees it), but it’s another feeding method… Read more »