Xyzal safety for cats

Anyone know whether half a Xyzal tablet would be okay to give a kitty? (My spouse says “It’s the same as Zyrtec minus one stereo isomer,” whatever that means.) We currently give him half a Zyrtec when he gets super itchy, and it helps. Reason we are wondering is we have a huge bottle of Xyzal but no more Zyrtec.

He is treated monthly for fleas, does not go outside, and we’ve tried every way we can think of to help him other than meds. But sometimes he still scratches so much he makes his ears bleed, poor guy. The meds help him a lot.

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

I’m sorry but we cannot advise on medications. That needs to be done with your vet. Also I think they can help treat this if you call them and ask for assistance. Best of luck. I hope the ears are better soon.