After I apply my dogs k9 advantix ii she becomes itchy & rubs her back…

After I apply my dogs k9 advantix ii she becomes itchy & rubs her back on the couch for like 2-3 days.other than that I love the stuff it seems to work so my question is, is there an anti itch spray I can use after I apply the k9 advantix

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Brittany Knox
Brittany Knox
8 years ago

Is it that she’s allergic or could she just possibly have sensitive skin that causes it to dry her out

Brittany Knox
Brittany Knox
8 years ago

Ok thank you SO MUCH you have been VERY HELPFUL I greatly appreciate it

debra yuhasz
debra yuhasz
8 years ago

Your dog is allergic to it. Use a different topical treatment. There are several others you can try.