Asking for any perspective for a friend who hasn’t been able to set up an …

Asking for any perspective for a friend who hasn’t been able to set up an account. Young ridgeback has this on inside of lip. She says she can feel it on inside and outside. It’s granular.

At first she thought was just change in pigment. Has been there a few months. Doesn’t know if it has grown. She is very tight on funds. Any feedback?

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Krista Magnifico
4 years ago

Hello, Please have your friend send me their email address and I will see if we can help figure out the log in details. Next there are quite a few things this can be. I’ve seen it be papillomas, histiocytomas, allergies, and dental disease. I’m sorry but it is always impossible to diagnose via a photo. I would say it’s best to start saving some money to get a vet appointment or call all the local rescues and shelters to see if they know of any local free clinics. We have a few around where I live. They help people… Read more »