My Aussie/retriever mix’s right ear lobe feels like a balloon. I did some online research…

My Aussie/retriever mix’s right ear lobe feels like a balloon. I did some online research and it says it is from a broken blood vessel. Should i have it drained or will it dissipate by itself. It is not causing her any discomfort.

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9 years ago

Yes, that sounds right, sounds like hematoma (blood pocket caused by blood pooling from broken blood vessel(s). Here is the thing: – it can go away on its own but it could take a long time and leave the ear deformed (cauliflower ear)– I’m quite sure it’s pretty uncomfortable and painful– most importantly, this often happens when a dog shakes their head a lot because of an ear infection (though it could be just from accidentally shaking and hitting the ear on a table edge or something like that) So yes, I would see a vet, have him checked to… Read more »