We adopted our puppy at 4 months (according to the SPCA). He’s had a tough…

We adopted our puppy at 4 months (according to the SPCA). He’s had a tough start to life so far medically, but he’s getting stronger and growing and being as much as a puppy as he can be (aggressive puppy strangles, still on medications). He is about 5 and a half months now and has yet to bark (sometimes he makes what sounds like small soft barks when in a deep sleep and dreaming).

Does full blown barking start at any age? I’ve read that other dogs can “teach” a dog to bark but our puppy can’t go outside yet and has not been around other dogs outside of the SPCA and vet hospital stays. I’m just curious what your experiences are, and in no rush to have a barking machine.

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9 years ago

i think it really depends on the dog and the environment.  my godmother had a dog that didn’t bark until she was 4…and that was due to someone harassing her until she’d had enough and barked at him.