My beagle is 4 days out from IVDD Cervical Decompression via ventral slot and is…

My beagle is 4 days out from IVDD Cervical Decompression via ventral slot and is still in horrible pain with all the same symptoms. Neck spasms, rigid stance, head lowered and will NOT lay down. He stands for hours on his bed then finally he lays down. He is on a very very strict medication schedule using Gabapentin, Tylenol 4, Diazepam, famotidine and Prednisone. He is taken out 3-5 times daily using a ramp to get to grass for potty breaks. How long should this take for even a small amount of pain relief?

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Cheryl Harrison
Cheryl Harrison
8 years ago

Thank you. Yes, I did contact my primary care vet this morning and they added 50mg Tramadol 3x daily. I will be contacting the surgeon in the am. I appreciate your response so much. I have researched and researched this online with no luck. Yes, he is a bit of a drama boy but his eyes show it all. So much pain. As of right now after 1/2 of a 50mg Tramadol his lying in his bed somewhat sleeping. Neck isn’t showing any spasms right now but the minute he gets up it starts again. This is what made me… Read more »

Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

I know it is hard to watch andveey frustrating. Every dog is different but I can say that this is not uncommon. It took Hankrhe dog I wrote about in my blog 10 days before he showed much improvement or relief. I would ask about tramadol buprenorphine and/or a fentanyl patch. Or increasing one of the medications you have. You would have to ask your vet about these. Also I have to admit beagles are not the bravest souls.
Don’t give up. But do call your vet. Add more pain management.

Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

Oh and ask about methocarbamol (robaxin). That was the most helpful medication in the early days f recovery.