My 6 yr old beagle ate chocolate a day ago, which we just figured out…

My 6 yr old beagle ate chocolate a day ago, which we just figured out, and starting having seizures and posturing. He is also very lethargic. Can I still give him activated charcoal to absorb whatever toxins are still in his system and how much? Any help is appreciated.

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Jay Alex
Jay Alex
7 years ago

I’m not a vet, but once a dog has started having seizures, you should skip giving him activated charcoal and take him to the vet. If he ate it that long ago, he’s already absorbed most of the toxins. Activated charcoal is only effective before he’s absorbed toxins, not after. It may be a costly visit, but seizures are never a good sign.

Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

I agree. Seizures always warrant help from a vet. Please go immediately.