My beagle wiener mix dog has a bad rash under his belly leading to…

My beagle wiener mix dog has a bad rash under his belly leading to his back legs. He is getting sores now from nibbiling and licking himself by his legs, tail, and genital area. Is this something i can take care of or should i be really concerned and take him to a vet?

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Caroline Harrold
Caroline Harrold
8 years ago

My dogs had that aswell, my vet put them on antibiotics to fight any infections and to help healing and also gave them steroids to stop them scratching so much

Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

If the itching and chewing is resulting in open wounds you need to seek veterinary help. In most cases something to stop the irch is needed along with antibiotics and an ecollar. They can have him felling better very soon.