I believe my 4 month old kitten has acid reflux. She was born from my…

I believe my 4 month old kitten has acid reflux. She was born from my sisters cats first litter so she has a lot of birth defects already. For the past month every time she eats a bowl of Meow-Mix cat food she throws up stringy saliva. She also seems to be chocking while doing it. Her other birth defects are twisted in legs, broken tail, and she has a little lazy eye. Please comment if you need any further information.

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Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

Can you try feeding her wet food? Even in small amounts with water added and see how she does? Perhaps she cannot eat dry food? Or she eats too much too fast? Also meow mix is not suitable for a kitten. Please try a better quality food that is age appropriate (kitten food).