Bio Hello my cat is 15 1/2 years old and has a heart condition and the herpes virus. …

Hello my cat is 15 1/2 years old and has a heart condition and the herpes virus. He has a nose polyp. It was extracted twice from his left nostril. Now he is not eating . I have been putting a ointment in his ear so he will eat. He does eat but only purée foods. He wants to eat his dry cat food but it seems like he can’t. I brought him to the vet they sent me to a specialist who wants a lot of money to find the polyp and remove.

I watch the YouTube video of you removing a polyp from a cat and the cost and that is so much more reasonable. Do you know anyone in the ny area that would perform the same procedure at close to what you charged? Where are you located? Would you do it?

I just want so much to help my cat.

Thank you,

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Krista Magnifico
1 year ago


At rhis age I am most concerned about infection and cancer. I think it is best for a full blood work and X-ray as the place to start. I think a polyp is very unlikely in your cats case. I hope this helps.