Hi, I’m staying at a friends house and she has a bird. She just went…

Hi, I’m staying at a friends house and she has a bird. She just went to sleep and I was eating a chips ahoy chocolate chip cookie and I see her give the bird human food all the time so I have the bird about a third of the cookie. I’ve been reading a lot of articles some saying the a little amount of chocolate is fine and some saying any amount of chocolate can be extremely lethal. I was just wondering if the bird will be alright?

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Yydhs Hehsh
Yydhs Hehsh
8 years ago

I just don’t want her to be mad at or hate me.

8 years ago

I would let your friend know…

8 years ago

That’s…not the wisest course of action. What if her bird ends up sick? How will you handle it? Seriously, tell her.