Our 14 month old male gerbil lost part of his tail about a year ago…

Our 14 month old male gerbil lost part of his tail about a year ago. This left a small black spot part way up the remaining stump on one side. A couple of weeks ago I noticed that it had got bigger. It doesn’t seem to bother him at all and he not lethargic or unwell. What could it be?

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Amanda Wright
Amanda Wright
8 years ago

He got his tail caught and panicked, and it broke away, they are designed to do that. It’s not an infection, it’s a nice neat, round smooth bump on the side of his tail. I have emailed photos to my vet, waiting to hear whether he wants me to take him down to see him.

Andrea Cox
Andrea Cox
8 years ago

I had a gerbil that got cancer and it started with a black spot on its back and it spread all over.  Nothing you can really do about it if it is cancer. When you say it lost part of its tail are you saying you had it removed,  or it just fell off? You will have to take it to a vet and they will tell you if it needs to be cut off and biopsy of the black part.  It also could be other things besides cancer but only a vet can really help you. It could be… Read more »