I rescued a dog that needed a leg amputated. After amputation he had a drain…

I rescued a dog that needed a leg amputated. After amputation he had a drain in that was removed today, however, yesterday evening he fell and started bleeding from the drain site. The vet looked this morning and said it looked fine but I don’t think he got to see how much it is actually bleeding. The drain was removed and I bandaged him at home at around noon to catch the blood. It is now 8am and he has bled enough for me to need to change the bandage and I can see it is actively dripping blood. Before he fell he just dripped serum whereas now I believe it is more blood than serum. I’m not sure if this is normal and will heal on its own or if he should be seen again either by the emergency vet tonight or my regular vet in the morning?

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Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
9 years ago

I think if you are that concerned you need to contact your vet and if you feel the bleeding is excessive you need to have him seen by an emergency vet this evening.  This definitely needs to be seen by vet to be sure any drainage from the surgery site is normal.

Good Luck

Dr Dawn