Shadow has submissive urination. He was abused as a puppy we believe by men so…

Shadow has submissive urination. He was abused as a puppy we believe by men so hes a little more nervouse around my boyfriend. Recently he’s been yelping and nipping for no reason. My boyfriend went upstairs to grab some stuff and shadow was infront of the door and as he opened it shadow began yelping and snaped at him again while leaveing a trail of pee behind. Shadow is my world and i am his. Hes a damn good dog and very loyal. But if this continues he’ll have to go. Any help or advice would be much apriciated. Thank you.

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Alex Horn
Alex Horn
8 years ago

We don’t have a lot of money i can’t hire any body. I cant afford to do any of that. And i know none of it is medical related.

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

How in the world can you have a dog for 5 years and even consider getting rid of him because of a man?   Will this boyfriend be around in 5 years?  You can bet the dog will be if you don’t ruin his life by sending him back out into the world of rescue. You are correct, you are Shadow’s entire world – it would be wonderful if he was as important to you as some man.  Dogs are not disposable. “Yelping and nipping for no reason”.  Girl, there is ALWAYS a reason for what a dog does.  You… Read more »

8 years ago

Have you gotten him to a vet to rule out anything medical?  Have you hired a veterinary behaviorist to help you deal with this? 

8 years ago

Honestly, Alex, if you’re unwilling to find a way to make this work, maybe finding him another home is the best thing for him.

He very well COULD have something medically wrong. How do you know he doesn’t?