I have a 6 year old Boston terrier that I adopted in january 2016 she…

I have a 6 year old Boston terrier that I adopted in january 2016 she was abused badly previously and as the months go on I just can’t seem to help her get over her fears, if anyone even approaches her she pees if we call to her she pees we can’t sweep around her because she’s terrified of brooms shes terrified of everything to be honest she’s always shaking and no matter how much I feed her she stays bone thin I’ve tried different techniques but nothing seems to calm her fear does anyone have advice? Anything would help greatly

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8 years ago

We have a German shepherd who was in a similar state when we got him. Our vet recommended a trainer/behaviorist. It took TIME, and honestly I really believe in our case, the rescue of a second dog who is just a ‘happy dog” lab mix, helped immensely with the German shepherds recovery. So the first 6 months seemed an endless maze of new issues popping up. Our trainer was wonderful and kept reminding us to be patient, consistent, loving and firm. With the help of our vet office (shout out to JVC) and our trainer, we have the best dogs… Read more »

8 years ago

I agree with Dr. Magnifico – work on training with a trainer. Training, particularly in group settings, can help build confidence in shy dogs.

Krista Magnifico
8 years ago

Have you asked your vet for a local trainer to get some guidance as to where to start?