I bought home two 8 week old chihuahuas today, I was told they had been…

I bought home two 8 week old chihuahuas today, I was told they had been given flea treatment two weeks ago however, I have found fleas on them? What should I do?

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Charlotte Procter
Charlotte Procter
9 years ago

Thank you both – I’ve contacted my vet and got them booked in for first thing tomorrow morning. I’m also going to get treatment for my house – recommended by the vet, so hopefully can stop it from spreading. They are a couple days over 8 weeks and have already had their first infections, so I need to schedule the second injection, microchip and flea/worming plan.

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
9 years ago

Do you know what kind of flea medication was used on them?  I would contact your vet tomorrow to see if you can get them in to be examined for their 8 week puppy shots etc and see what type of flea medicine your vet recommends.  As for tonight I would give them both a bath to try to remove any live fleas and remove flea dirt so it is less likely to leave fleas or eggs in your house.

Good Luck

Dr Dawn