I have bought a green-cheek conure(pineapple mutation) to handfeed it. I started to feed it…

I have bought a green-cheek conure(pineapple mutation) to handfeed it. I started to feed it Harrison’s formula with a specialized spoon from its 9 days old.
Around its 20 days old, it started to show regressed appetite for the formula. Even when its crop is completely empty, it only actively took in formula for the first 2-3ml. Every time I feed it with a spoon of formula, this little baby shows resistance to the next spoon of formula. After I fed it 4-5ml of formula, it becomes completely unwilling to take in any further formula regardless of the temperature or thickness of the formula.
Given its crop was far from full then, I had nothing to do but force it to take in another 3-4ml of formula in case it gets too hungry between two meals. This lasts for nearly ten days and I don’t want to force it to eat anymore because it may really hurts the baby conure or our relationship from the perspective of long-term.
Trust me, I have tried to feed it with a syringe and it didn’t work either. The baby conure still showed resistance to any further feeding after being fed with 4-5ml of formula. In addition, during the last week, I sparsely noticed any active eating behaviors from it after the first 2 spoons of formula.
If there is any similar problem you’ve ever experienced, please inform me with the solutions. Thank you so much!!!!

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Roberta Kendall
Roberta Kendall
8 years ago

Hi, I’d recommend that you join an online hand-feeding forum for your problems with handfeeding. The baby could be rejecting the formula because the formula isn’t warm enough, or it could have an infection in its crop. It would also be a good idea to visit an avian vet if you have one in your area. Please do this soon, as these babies can go downhill very fast.