My dog has not had a bowel movement in 4 days . Is there a…

My dog has not had a bowel movement in 4 days . Is there a home remedy I can try ?

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Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

I would be very afraid that the lack of output is related to a lack of input. That’s what I most commonly see. A dog who is not eating well or at all. The only thing I can safely recommend is to see your vet for an exam so they can assess whether this is an obstruction, constipation, anorexia, etc. until you know why your dog isn’t defecating I would not try anything at home. Please see your vet as quickly as possible. Either tonight or by morning. Good luck

7 years ago

I agree to Krista. Bring your dog to a vet. While there are home remedies you should look for the cause first.
– If your dog ha snot eaten (enough), there can be no output – what are the reasons why he doesn’t eat?
– The dog has eaten enough, the cause could be slow bowel movements or even a blockage. Forcing something through that blockage could kill your dog.

7 years ago

I would let my vet know and see what they recommend. I know that one time one of our dogs was on a medication that bound him up and it was recommended that we feed him pumpkin. I don’t know if this particular situation warrants that or not, but your vet would probably be able to discuss this with you. Good luck!