How know if your boxer dog is dream or have seizures when my dog sleeping…

How know if your boxer dog is dream or have seizures when my dog sleeping he run in his sleep

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PK Dennis
PK Dennis
8 years ago

If you think it may be a seizure,  try to wake the dog (call by name,not by touch so you don’t get bitten). Try getting a video to show to your vet.

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

Seizures are very different, even scary.  Normally they happen when the dog is initially awake and the dog can not be aroused from a seizure but can be from a dream.

8 years ago

Most dogs are dreaming when things like running and twitching happens.  It’s a normal part of their sleep pattern.  What makes you believe this might be seizures?