My brother just returned from his mission a few days ago. While he was gone…

My brother just returned from his mission a few days ago. While he was gone we adopted a border collie mix puppy, she’s now around a year and a half years old.

She has interacted with people at the park and gets along with most family members when visiting at their place. This her first time having a someone she doesn’t know at home like this, usually have her away from visitors.

She is not getting a long with my brother, she’s constantly barking at him. When he offers one of her favorite treats she tries to hide behind someone she trusts or she runs down and hides in the basement. My brother is getting really frustrated with her.

Expecting that this is going to take a while. Hoping that she gets used to him/desensitized to him over the next few weeks. Any advice would be appreciated.

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Amphibious 803
Amphibious 803
8 years ago


She has been getting better. She isn’t barking as much, but tends to avoid him whenever she can now. Want her to get used to being around him, but don’t want to force it. Now she usually hides downstairs or in one of the bedrooms. Gets really nervous and wants to be close to someone she knows when he is around.

She does bark and get snappy when he’s interacting with one of us, she thinks she is protecting us from him?

Slow going, but are improvements.

Madelyn Fischer
Madelyn Fischer
8 years ago

Hello, this is perfectly normal. Dogs adapt, and it may take time. Good luck!

Kate McKelvie
Kate McKelvie
8 years ago

In what way is she not getting along with him? My first thought is that he calmly go about his business and not attempt to interact with her. Let the dog approach your brother for interaction. Is he wearing a ball cap, something that she’s not used to? Everyone needs to be calm and act normally.