Hi, I brought my cat to the vet on Thursday. She has been straining to…

Hi, I brought my cat to the vet on Thursday. She has been straining to urinate since Wednesday night. She had also been throwing up her food and had had diarrhoea on the Thursday morning. The vet prescribed antibiotics for cystitis and I am brining her back after a week for a recheck. She had quite a lot of blood in her urine before she started the antibiotics but this has stopped since. She is still frequently going to the litter tray and is still straining and doesn’t seem to be able to get much out. She has stopped getting sick and is eating and drinking as normal. Apart from a little bit of diarrhoea on the Thursday morning she has not defecated at all and prior to that it had been at least 4 days. Could you give me some advice on when I should begin to see improvements?

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7 years ago

Thank you for your responses. I rang the emergency vet today and she told me that it would take a few days until she is urinating normal again and as long as she is eating and drinking she should be ok. She no longer has blood in her urine, however I am still quite worried as there doesn’t seem to be much improvement in the volume of her urine output and she seems to be straining a lot with only a a little dribble of urine each time. She is also licking the area after every time she tries to… Read more »

Julie Brader
7 years ago

Hi …if you are in any way concerned please take your cat back to the Vet before her check up is due. If she is still straining to urinate and has not defacated for 4 days it could be something other than cystitis.
Take a urine sample to the Vet with you and perhaps ask for blood tests to check kidney function etc. I hope she recovers soon.

7 years ago

If she still has blood in her urine and is straining to get somethign out I would visit the vet again. Maybe she has bladderstones or something else partly blocks the way.
Same if she can’t defecate. Sometimes it takes a while after diarrhoea until the colon starts working again normally, but if shes eating normal since 4 days and wasn’t able to use the toilet since then I would get that checked, too.

Krista Magnifico
7 years ago

I am very very worried that the cat is unable to urinate which is an emergency. Please go immediately to the vet now!