My bunny’s breathing and nose twitching is very fast. My city is in the middle…

My bunny’s breathing and nose twitching is very fast. My city is in the middle of a heatwave and my bunny has recently just been laying on my kitchen tiles. My sister is staying over and she is very loud and has startled my bunny a lot. I tried to have her lay down on an ice pack but she kept trying to EAT the ice pack so I took it away. I put water in a spray and tried spraying her (it was a mist, not that much water came out) but my bunny would take one spray and run away. Her nose is twitching VERY fast and her breathing is crazy. I was wondering if there was a way I could calm her down. Is she doing OK as well? Her coat is not very thick and she is albino. Thank you.

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

I would be worried about overheating, but stress, pain, and disease are also possible. Its best and safest to head to the vets.

5 years ago

Good morning. Is there anyway that you can call your vet right away?