My bunny’s legs and private area is VERY dirty. Whenever people see her they comment…

My bunny’s legs and private area is VERY dirty. Whenever people see her they comment about it. The fur is brownish yellowish and it’s her pee that’s stuck. I was wondering if there’s a way to clean her fur and not have it brown? Preferably not one that involves my bunny anywhere near water? We got her like that and it hasn’t left in the year we’ve had her.

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Krista Magnifico
5 years ago

I am worried about infection and I wouldn’t wash her without finding a vet to look at her first. Are there any local rabbit groups in your area? I’m concerned about diet, and diarrhea or urinary tract infection. Please don’t treat her without a better understanding of what’s going on with her.

5 years ago

Good morning-
I was curious to see if you had gone to the vet and found out more about Marshmallow?