I just got a newborn puppy that was separated from his mother. I don’t know…

I just got a newborn puppy that was separated from his mother. I don’t know how many weeks he is but he’s pretty tiny. I’m so anxious since I don’t know how to care for him. I’m feeding him puppy formula. How often should I feed him? How should I clean him? I’m also trying not to hold him as much. Please provide me with details on how I should care for him.

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Erika Medina
Erika Medina
9 years ago

Thank you. I just saw how he threw up a little milk. I last fed him about 2 hours ago. Is this something I should worry about?

Melissa Thoreson
Melissa Thoreson
9 years ago

Get some milk replacer at a pet store and get a baby bottle and feed him as much as he’ll twice a day no more than that and make sure to keep him warm so he doesn’t get to cold and die