My cat has a abscess above his tooth, tooth appears clean and white, but abscess…

My cat has a abscess above his tooth, tooth appears clean and white, but abscess started to bleed I would like to know what antibiotic should be used at this time

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Bob Minion
Bob Minion
9 years ago

If I could afford the 180 dollar office call he would if already been in, I got hurt and have been unable to work, money is limited but I love my cat don’t want him to be in pain

9 years ago

your cat needs a vet to determine your next step.  don’t give an antibiotic without veterinary direction.

julie brader
julie brader
9 years ago

Hes already in pain with an absess in his mouth. Please do as Laura said and take him to a Vet this won’t get better without the correct treatment. If the poison from the absess goes into his bloodstream it will get a lot worse. 

Phone Vets see if you can pay the bill off, borrow the money, anything… but you have to take him.