He is always out by us and like to be around us but is basically…

He is always out by us and like to be around us but is basically mean if you touch him at all. Or sit in his chair that he sleeps on about 50%of the time that he sleeps.

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9 years ago

How old is he? I would also say that he is bored. Especially male cats play more rough then females. As humans don’t have thick fur to protect them, it hurts us more than other cats, if they play with us like they would with other cats.

I would also say to play alot with him. Best thing would be another cat companion if he lives alone. That way he can really play like cats do with each other.

But first you need to check if he has medical issues. Sometimes pain can cause such an behaviour.,

9 years ago

do you play with him?  my boy used to attack my ankles, back when i first brought him home.  turned out he was bored.  got a bunch of interactive toys and started playing with him and he mellowed out nicely.

this is, of course, assuming that he’s clear of any medical issues.  he’s been to the vet recently, right? 🙂