My cat drools profusely when she gets pet.. Is this normal? It’s like dripping…

My cat drools profusely when she gets pet.. Is this normal? It’s like dripping all over the arm of the couch… ugh.

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Erin Thune
Erin Thune
8 years ago

I think it’s pretty normal. A majority of the cats that I know drool when they’re happy/relaxed, actually.

Andrew Stanish
Andrew Stanish
8 years ago

Aw poor kitty

Andrew Stanish
Andrew Stanish
8 years ago

time for a kitty-proof couch!

Andrew Stanish
Andrew Stanish
8 years ago

maybe those plastic couch cover things?

Andrew Stanish
Andrew Stanish
7 years ago

or scotch guard, that stuff rocks!

8 years ago

yep, normal.