My cat has not eaten in over 8 hours. It has been a hot…

My cat has not eaten in over 8 hours. It has been a hot weekend here. Could that be the cause of my cats loss of appetite

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Kelly Furgason
Kelly Furgason
9 years ago

Hi Jen,
There could be lots going on. Certainly the heat could be a reason. Is your cat an outside cat? If it’s an inside cat be sure that your cat has access to fresh water too. Try a different type of food–like stinky canned cat food or can tuna to see if you can get your cat to eat. Make sure you have a fan to circulate air if it’s inside to help with the heat.
If you cat continues to not eat and isn’t drinking or peeing or pooping, please contact your vet.
good luck!

Lauren-Emma de Lancey
Lauren-Emma de Lancey
9 years ago

Keep your cat cool and hydrated , fresh water and a fan would be good .