MY cat has been sick for 5 days with a fever. No vomiting no diarrhea…

MY cat has been sick for 5 days with a fever. No vomiting no diarrhea except for a little on the second day. He has a fever, he’s drinking a lot, lethargic, not grooming. I took him to a vet who gave him something for the fever and an antibiotic shot. He’s eating and drinking which is good but the fever is not going down. The vet prescribed Fevadol which has paracetamol in it. We are in a country with no good vets and no real access to pet medication, but everything I have read says that paracetamol is poisonous to cats. I would give anything for him to get better, but there are no vets that I trust here and I am so confused on what to do. He’s obviously fighting an infection but the vet said he doesn’t seem to have a URI, he has no signs in his chest and no discharge from eyes or nose. I just don’t know what to do and it’s breaking my heart watching him in pain. please help.
He’s a 4 year old male.

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8 years ago

Thank you for your response. I know he needs treatment, I am very scared for him, but as I said there are no reliable vets here. Is there something over the counter that could bring down his fever?

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

Normally I would tell you to follow the doctor’s instructions but it seems paracetamol  is acetometaphin which is very toxic to cats!!! However, without examining your cat it is impossible for me to really give you any advice.  My recommendation is to try and find a vet you trust because your cat needs treatment.

Good luck

Dr D

Dawn Ferara, DVM
Dawn Ferara, DVM
8 years ago

No there really isn’t.