My cat has huge open wound on back leg what should I do for it

My cat has huge open wound on back leg what should I do for it

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amy meggs
amy meggs
9 years ago

Oh you said to wrap it well I’m having problems doing that well the vet did that it lasted half a day he sat and chewed it off and it wouldn’t stay up at top and kept falling and rubbing the spot

amy meggs
amy meggs
9 years ago

He has been to the vet stayed all weekend long but is there like something to spray on it so it gets better

amy meggs
amy meggs
9 years ago

Thanks so much I was told to use some kind of horse spray but I was so afraid it would feel like putting alcohol on it he is using it fine and its hardly licking and has no sign of infection at least I haven’t let him outside either he hates that too so thanks a lot I will do that

chad perry
chad perry
9 years ago

Use an antiseptic
solution or plain water and gauze or a cloth (not cotton) to gently
clean around the wound, and a syringe or similar device to flush the
solution over the surface of the wound. Antiseptic solutions are made by
diluting concentrated solutions bought at the store that contain either
povidone iodine or chlorhexidine diacetate as the active ingredient. Do
not use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide on the wounds, as these will
actually damage the tissue and then put so antibacterial ointment on it and rap it with gauze and change it every day till its healed

Kelly Furgason
Kelly Furgason
9 years ago

If your vet said to wrap it, make sure you put the cat in an ecollar so that he cannot get the wrap off. Your vet can give you “vetwrap” to use. It’s self sticking wrap that won’t fall down.