She is an inside cat about 15 months old never been outside

She is an inside cat about 15 months old never been outside

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Crystal Turnage
Crystal Turnage
8 years ago

We have a all the cleaning supplies in the kitchen and her litter box is cleaned everyday. I have an appointment to get her spayed her appointment time hasn’t arrived yet. To my knowledge she hasn’t been ambushed. Her litter box is right outside my kids room

Crystal Turnage
Crystal Turnage
8 years ago


8 years ago

Vet trip to make sure she doesn’t have a UTI or something else going on.

How many litterboxes does she have?  Is she spayed?  Is there any way she could have been ambushed leaving the box?  Have you used any particularly smelly cleaning solutions near the litterbox?  Do you scoop it regularly?

8 years ago

Hmm…I’d wonder if one of them exited while she was in the box, and that startled her.

General rule of thumb is one box per cat plus one – so if you have a single cat household, try a second litterbox. Clean the kids’ room with an enzyme cleaner to discourage further unwanted behavior.

8 years ago

(Also she could be going into heat, which could cause a UTI. Seriously, vet time.)