my cat is on meds to poop now he wont eat or drink water

my cat is on meds to poop now he wont eat or drink water

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Julie Frolova
Julie Frolova
9 years ago

How many days?.. You have to force feed and give fluids with a feeding syringe. Pedialyte is great to restore electrolytes.
Please contact your vet if this continues because it might be serious. My advice is just something you can do as a maintenance care but you need more definitive diagnosis

Christina Chambreau
Christina Chambreau
9 years ago

When I only had my conventional veterinary training, I would often be very frustrated when cats stopped eating or drinking because of the medications I gave them. The holistic philosophy has taught me that there is an underlying vibrational imbalance that causes most problems and the healing goal is to resolve that imbalance with treatments selected for that individual animal. By having multiple treatments for constipation/megacolon, we can avoid side effects. To better understand this perspective, read the first few chapters of Don Hamilton’s Homeopathic Care of Cats and Dogs or the few pages in my book, the Healthy Animal’s… Read more »