Our cat is about 8 years old, and we got her from the humane society…

Our cat is about 8 years old, and we got her from the humane society 2 years ago. Her problem is that she poops outside of the litter box frequently. Sometimes she poops in the box, sometimes not, sometimes on the couch, the table, the laundry, the floor, wherever. Never the same place twice. She’s not sick and doesn’t have worms, and she pees in the litter fine. We’ve tried different litter, moving it to different places, and nothing works. We are so confused by this cat! Help if you can please, thank you!

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Michelle Baggett
Michelle Baggett
8 years ago

Does the litter box have a cover on it?  My vet told me one time that cats can become intolerable of their litter boxes if they are enclosed (have covers on them) no matter how much you scoop or change the litter.  That did the trick and did not happen anymore.  

8 years ago

Dr. Magnifico often suggests using dirt in the litterbox.  I would also have at least one other box on hand…most cats really don’t enjoy pooping where they pee.