Cat has real bad open wound and they say to wrap it up but it…

Cat has real bad open wound and they say to wrap it up but it won’t stay up and falls and rubs the spot then he starts chewing on it so what do I do do I have to wrap it

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amy meggs
amy meggs
9 years ago

Oh we already went to the vet cost 200 for him to stay all weekend and they gave him antibiotics they wrapednit but it didn’t last half day they want 25 bucks just to rewrap it I don’t have the money for that and its in a place where it wont stay either

PK Dennis
PK Dennis
9 years ago

How could just wrapping this be the answer?  Looks like it needs a major repair!

Laura Kyle
9 years ago

Can you take her in and have the vet or technician so you how to wrap it? Or use a t-shirt/dressing to cover it safely.